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Based on leading audio and video processing technology, we provide cloud services for enterprises, including ready to use, stable, secure, smooth, flexible, and efficient audio and video transcoding, stripping, time shifting, review, distribution, and playback. We aim to help customers easily build an enterprise direct broadcasting platform for low latency and high concurrency live streaming scenarios.


  • Live management

    Provide a visual cloud live streaming management interface, with easy-to-use, convenient, secure, stable business process operations, real-time online preview, image quality monitoring, coding analysis, automatic smooth switching between primary and backup sources, and padding functions to ensure the safety, stability, and flow of live streaming on the cloud service platform.

  • Live publishing

    Provide live broadcast room decoration, live broadcast introduction, H5 guide page, cover image, room encryption, online statistics, video review, text interaction, likes, interaction, viewing address sharing and other functions for live broadcast publishing selection.

  • Encoding processing

    Based on Arcvideo's self-developed transcoding capability, a simple and customizable transcoding parameter interface supports multiple decoding video encoding formats such as MPEG2, H.264, H.265, and supports standard definition, high-definition, and 4K/4KVR format encoding, providing standardized transcoding output for enterprises.

  • Copyright protection

    Provide various live stream encryption copyright protection, self-developed and universal HLS (AES-128) encryption algorithm, support normal decryption and playback of multi terminal H5/SDK players, prevent illegal theft of video copyright, and protect the security of live streams.


  • Corporate activities
  • Outdoor live streaming
  • Online education
  • Sports live streaming
  • News reporting