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Create Station Logo

Service Address

Request Method


Request Parameters

accessKeyThe user access keyStringRequired
actionAPI name, this api is "liveLogoCreate"StringRequired
versionAPI version, currently must be 2.0StringRequired
timestampInvoke time in milliseconds since january 1 1970, eg: 1466488681033StringRequired
namelogo nameStringRequired
urilandmark path, eg:bj-hsy-images/kii721n6/watermarkLive/65112b7ae7394313a679020c3543cae9.jpgStringRequired
widthThe width of the station logoIntegerRequired
heightThe height of the station logoIntegerRequired
offsetWidthThe vertices in the upper left corner of the station logo are offset horizontallyIntegerRequired
offsetHeightThe vertices in the upper left corner of the station logo are offset verticallyIntegerRequired
opacityThe transparency of the station logo 0 100 100 represents opacity and the default is 100IntegerOptional
resizeThe scale of the station logo 1 100 100 means no scaling the default is 100IntegerOptional

Response Example

"code": 0,
"success": true,
"message": "operation success",
"result": {
"httpUrl": "",
"offsetHeight": 1,
"name": "test logo",
"width": 200,
"offsetWidth": 1,
"resize": 100,
"id": "afe8c827f18044c8942524eb7738f693",
"opacity": 100,
"userId": 805,
"uri": "bj-hsy-images/kii721n6/watermarkLive/65112b7ae7394313a679020c3543cae9.jpg",
"height": 200