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Fields Declare

Live Type

2VR Live
3HD Live
44K Live

Template Type

1User defined
2System predefined

Template Fields

idThe template ID
displayNameThe display name of template
videoWidthVideo width
videoHeightVideo height
videoBitrateVideo birate
audioBitrateAudio bitrate
frameRateVideo framerate
transcodeType[Live Type](#Live Type)
type[Template Type](#Template Type)
userIdThe user id of this template belong to, if it is a system template this field is null
createTimeThe creation time of template
updateTimeThe lastmodified of template
advancedArgumentsObj[Advanced Arguments](#Advanced Arguments)

Advanced Arguments

Field Description

rcBitrate control mode,VBR or CBRString
refFrameref-frame countInteger
gopSizeGOP sizeInteger
gopTypeGOP unit,0:frames,1:milliseconds,the default value is 0Integer
bframeb-frame countInteger
interlaceFrame field mode, -1: follow source, 0: frame, 3: MBAFFInteger
smartBorderConversion mode, 0: linear stretch, 1: smart box, 2: croppingInteger

Field Example

"rc": "CBR",
"gopSize": 4000,
"bFrame": 0,
"refFrame": 1,
"qualityLevel": null,
"interlace": -1,
"smartBorder": 1