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Update Tempalte

Service Address

Request Method


Request Parameter

accessKeyThe user access keyStringRequired
actionAPI name, this api is "liveTemplateUpdate"StringRequired
versionAPI version, currently must be 2.0StringRequired
signatureSignature generated by signature rule.StringRequired
timestampInvoke time in milliseconds since january 1 1970, eg: 1466488681033StringRequired
idThe tempate idStringRequired
displayNameThe display name of the templateStringOptional
typeTemplate Type, the default value is 1IntegerOptional
transcodeTypeLive Type, the default value is 0.IntegerOptional
videoWidthThe width of the output resolution.IntegerOptional
videoHeightThe height of the output resolution.IntegerOptional
videoBitrateThe bitrate of the output video.IntegerOptional
audioBitrateThe bitrate of the output audio.IntegerOptional
frameRateThe framerate of the output video.IntegerOptional
advancedArgumentsAdvanced ArgumentsJSON ObjectOptional

Response Example

"result": {
"displayName": "sample",
"updateTime": null,
"templateId": null,
"type": "1",
"userId": 805,
"audioBitrate": 6400,
"videoHeight": 200,
"videoWidth": 200,
"videoBitrate": 800,
"frameRate": 25,
"isDefault": null,
"createTime": null,
"name": "sample\/800kbps\/200x200",
"advancedArguments": "{\"rc\":\"CBR\",\"gopSize\":4000,\"bFrame\":0,\"refFrame\":1,\"qualityLevel\":null,\"interlace\":-1,\"smartBorder\":1}",
"advancedArgumentsObj": {
"rc": "CBR",
"refFrame": 1,
"gopSize": 4000,
"bframe": 0,
"interlace": -1,
"gopType": null,
"smartBorder": 1
"id": "1eb10a03562d4dcfab7d510366aa394c",
"transcodeType": null,
"videoCodec": "h264"
"code": 0,
"success": true,
"message": "Success"

Response Fields

Template Fields