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Fields Declare

Live Type

2VR Live
3HD Live
44K Live


counttotal number of records
idchannel id
namechannel name
descriptionchannel description
typechannel type id
authCodeauthorization code
typeNametype name
signalTypesource stream type 1 push stream 2 pull stream
apppush streaming app
streamstream name
clientIdthe id of the streaming client
thumbnailUrlsource stream image address
statuschannel status 0 initialization 1 ready 2 live 3 streaming 5 starting
streamStatusflow status 1 normal 2 passive
userIduser id
streamWidthsource flow width
streamHeight:source flow height
streamBitratesource stream bitrate
streamAudioBitratesource audio bitrate
createTimecreate time
updateTimeupdate time
startTimethe start time of the live stream
endTimethe end time of the live stream
autoEndTimethe live stream automatically ends at an automatic end
pushUrlstreaming address
publicPlayUrlsource rtmp playback address
publicFlvPlayUrlthe playback url of the source stream flv
liveTypelive streaming type 0 normal live broadcast 2 vr live broadcast 3 1080p live broadcast
deviceIddevice id bind to the device of the warehouse management system
fillInfogasket information
outputGroupListoutputs a list of group information, see Output Group

Output Group

idid the unique identifier of the live output group
namename of the live output group
protocolTypelive output group protocol type 1 hls 2 rtmp
channelIdthe id of the channel to which it belongs
taskIdtask id
isLiveEncryptencrypt 1 encrypt 0 not encrypted
customerIdencryption key 1
contentIdencryption key 2
createTimecreate time
updateTimeupdate time
liveLogoIdlive stream logo id
liveLogolive stream logo information
logoIdlive stream logo id
rtmpThirdPartyOutputUrlrtmp third party output address
isRecordrecording 0 no 1 yes
recordTaskIdtask id of the current record
recordStartTimerecording start time
needToMp4whether the recorded file is converted to mp4 1 yes 0 no
isTimeShifttime shifted 0 no 1 yes
timeShiftDurationtime lapse duration in hours
timeShiftTaskIdtime shifted task id
rotationdegrees of rotation
outputTemplateLista list of live streaming templates, see Template
liveOutputsoutput information, see Output Stream


idlive stream template id
nametemplate name or bitrate or width x height
displayNametemplate name
transcodeTypelive streaming type 0 normal live broadcast 2 vr live broadcast 3 1080p live broadcast,
videoWidthresolution width
videoHeightresolution height
videoBitratevideo bitrate
audioBitrateaudio bitrate
frameRatevideo frame rate
typetemplate type 1 user template 2 system template
userIduser id if it is a system template this field is blank
createTimecreate time
updateTimeupdate time

Output Stream

idunique identification
publicOutputUrloutput playback address
videoWidthresolution width
videoHeightresolution height
videoBitratevideo bitrate
audioBitrateaudio bitrate
protocolTypelive packet protocol type 1 hls 2 rtmp
userIduser id
channelIdthe id of the live channel to which you belong
liveOutputGroupIdid of the live output group
liveTemplateIdlive streaming template id
createTimecreate time
updateTimeupdate time
isDefault1 default 0 not default