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Multipart Upload Finish

Service Address

Request Method


Request Parameters

tokenThe access tokenStringRequired
uploadIdThe id of the upload taskStringRequired
isEncryptIs encrypt or not. 0: no encryption, 1: encryptionintOptional
categoryIdThe id of categoryintOptional
isTranscoderIs transcoder or not. 0: no, 1: yesStringOptional
videoTypeThe video type. 0: normal video, 1: vr, the default value is 0StringOptional
transcodeTemplateGroupIdThe id of the transcoding template group, If the value is empty, the default transcoding template group will be used for transcoding.IntegerOptional
capturePointsThe screenshot time point (in seconds) of the thumbnail/cover image after successful video upload. If the user sets the screenshot time point, the screenshot will be taken according to the time point, with a maximum of 8 screenshots. If the user sets less than 8 time points, the actual number of screenshots will be taken. If the user sets more than 8 time points, only the first 8 are valid, and multiple time points are separated by commas, eg: "5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40".StringOptional
isExtractFrameImmediately draw frames after successfully uploading the video, 0 no, 1 yesIntegerOptional
frameIntervalThe time interval for frame extraction (in seconds), if a frame is extracted, this parameter value needs to be set.IntegerOptional
tagVideo tags stored after uploading videos for retrievalStringOptional

Response Example


Response Fields

resultThe upload video id

Error Codes
