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Set Callback URL

Service Address

Request Method


Request Parameters

accessKeyThe user access keyStringRequired
actionAPI name,this api is "setLiveCallback"StringRequired
versionAPI version, currently must be 2.0StringRequired
signatureSignature generated by signature rule.StringRequired
timestampInvoke time in milliseconds since january 1 1970, eg: 1466488681033StringRequired
valuethe callback address for the status change of the set live broadcast channelStringRequired

Response Example

"code": 0,
"message": "operation success",
"result": {
"userId": 607,
"name": "live-callback-url",
"value": ""

Response Fields

userIduser id;
valuethe callback address of the live channel status change;


The callbacks are adopted POST + Content-Type: application/json way,a notice to HTTP the response 2xx is identified as a success and the 5xx response is retried up to 3 times and the 5xx response immediately terminates the retry。

Request Body:

"channelId": "b29f64a6796f8738ab980c869587fbe5",
"channelStatus": 1

Request Fields:

channelId: channel id
channelStatus: the status of the current live channel,for more information see meaning `for more information see meaning` returns fields in `status` instructions