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Query Station Logos

Service Address

Request Method


Request Parameters

accessKeyThe user access keyStringRequired
actionAPI name, this api is "liveLogoList"StringRequired
versionAPI version, currently must be 2.0StringRequired
signatureSignature generated by signature rule.StringRequired
timestampInvoke time in milliseconds since january 1 1970, eg: 1466488681033StringRequired
nameThe name of the station logoStringOptional
idThe station logo idStringOptional

Response Example

"code": 0,
"message": "operation success",
"result": [{
"id": "ccc6327ae86d476b9c39f7b73dcb687a",
"name": "test bench mark 1",
"userId": 106,
"width": 167,
"height": 50,
"offsetWidth": 449,
"offsetHeight": 18,
"opacity": 100,
"resize": 100,
"httpUrl": "http://p1u0enox.images.danghongyun.local/watermarkLive/3f65c896763e40219ac10c5266641a93.png"
"id": "fd59c92a54574fdd8ff874a86fe8ec51",
"name": "test bench mark 2",
"userId": 106,
"width": 512,
"height": 512,
"offsetWidth": 529,
"offsetHeight": 9,
"opacity": 100,
"resize": 18,
"httpUrl": "http://p1u0enox.images.danghongyun.local/watermarkLive/8537b53a15b247f4a82156df83de5e82.png"
"success": true

Response Fields

idunique identification
namethe name of the station mark
userIduser id
widththe width of the platform mark
heightthe height of the platform mark
offsetWidththe distance between the upper left corner of the station logo and the left side of the video(the width is based on 640 and the actual output is calculated according to the magnification)
offsetHeightthe distance from the top left corner of the station logo to the top of the video(the height is based on 360 and the actual output is calculated according to the magnification)
resizemagnification based on the original image,eg:100 is to maintain the size of the original image and 50 is to double the size
httpUrlthe address of the station mark