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Create / Update Station Logo

Service Address

Request Method


Request Parameters

accessKeyThe user access keyStringRequired
actionAPI name, this api is "logoGroup"StringRequired
versionAPI version, currently must be 2.0StringRequired
timestampInvoke time in milliseconds since january 1 1970, eg: 1466488681033StringRequired
signatureSignature generated by signature rule.StringRequired
idThe ID of the logo group. If this parameter is not passed, it is used to add the logo group. If this parameter is passed, it is used to modify the corresponding logo groupStringOptional
nameStation logo group nameStringRequired
logosTarget parameters within the logo group, exmaple: [{"uri":"bj-hsy-images/p2191m9e/watermark/1.png","width":100,"height":50,"leftPos":0,"topPos":0,"opacity":100,"resize":100,"start":0,"end":50},{"uri":"bj-hsy-images/p2191m9e/watermark/2.png","width":100,"height":50,"leftPos":100,"topPos":100,"opacity":100,"resize":100,"start":50,"end":100}]StringRequired

logos parameter description:

uriRelative path of the logoStringRequired
widththe width of the logoIntegerRequired
heightthe height of the logoIntegerRequired
leftPoswidth percentage of the top left corner position of the logo, eg:90%, is leftPos=90; the following parameter percentages are similarIntegerRequired
topPosheight percentage of the top left corner position of the logoIntegerRequired
opacityTransparency percentage of platform logoIntegerRequired
resizePercentage of logo scaling valueIntegerRequired
startStarting time of logo, percentageIntegerRequired
endEnd time of logo, percentageIntegerRequired

Response Example
