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Sign up

1. Goto sign up page

Click Sign Up to open sign up page.

Sign up

2. Enter your account information

Please enter your account, password, contact, company and phone number.

3. Enter image verify code

Please enter the verify code displayed in the right image. If the code is not clear, please click the image to refresh.

4. Enter SMS code

The "Send SMS Code" button will be enabled if verify code is correct.

Click "Send SMS Code" button to send code to your phone number your input above, and a message like below will be received after a while:

received code

Enter the indentified code.

5. Read and agree terms

Click "Terms of service" and "Private Policy" to view all terms, and check the checkbox if your agree.

6. Submit

Click "Register" button to submit the sign up form. If account is created, a active email will be sent to your account e-mail, please check it.

7. Active Account

Find the active email on your email account, and click the active link to active your account.

8. Login and enjoy

After account actived, goto log in page to log in, then you can enjoy arcvdieo cloud service.